A lot of people have asked me how I was able to get into MIT and Harvard, to be quite honest with you I am dumfounded and ask myself the same question. I did not have the grades or the test scores, but I knew if I told my story just right, I might have a shot. The following is one of my essays for MIT Sloan (27 December 2012). The essay prompt really played into my favor.
” Please describe a time when you overcame a personal setback. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)”
On September 25, 2011, my United States Army Special Forces team (Green Beret) and partner force, the elite Afghan Commandos, battled Taliban fighters in the mountains of northwest Afghanistan. In the 10th hour of the engagement I felt a piercing pain in my stomach, hip, and leg; I had suffered a gunshot wound to my lower abdomen. I thought I was going to die. Thankfully, I lived, but it marked the beginning of a long and painful journey. I sustained a fractured hip, lost 20% of my colon, and suffered a damaged femoral nerve, resulting in permanent disability.
Initially, I was completely dependent on others. I had gone from a strapping Green Beret to a man who could not dress or bathe himself. Before I was wounded, I was an avid runner and outdoorsman. I was crushed when doctors told me that I would never run again and would only be able to walk with the assistance of a leg brace.